Support the Green Party this General Election

This is it! We have until the 4th July to make sure we elect 4 Green MPs, stand a candidate everywhere, and get our largest ever vote share.

The Green Party is ready and so are the public. We are offering hope and something different for voters – exactly what they’ve been telling us they want.

We need your help to get our four Green MPs elected.

Only with more Green voices in parliament can we build on the brilliant legacy of Caroline Lucas.

Only with more Green MPs can we hold the next government to account. 

Can you support our General Election fund to make sure Green MPs shape the next government?

Thursday 20 June 2024: we are on the verge of breakthrough

We’ve on the verge of a massive break through. 

Our message of real hope and real change is resonating on doorsteps.

People like what we’re saying on climate, investment in public services and making those with broad shoulders pay more.    

But the Labour juggernaut has pulled up in Brighton Pavilion and Bristol Central. 

While Green activists have to walk miles to reach some voters in North Herefordshire and Waveney Valley, traditionally Tory rural heartlands.  

Our own data shows it is incredibly close in target constituencies with thousands of voters still undecided.  

That’s why we have to knock on every door, publish more powerful, persuasive ads and get our brilliant target candidates even more high-profile news coverage.  

There’s just two weeks to go.  Let’s do it! 

Read a Guardian report on Green candidates exciting prospects in our two rural targets – Polling for Greens suggests party could take two rural seats from Tories | General election 2024 | The Guardian 

Sunday 16 June 2024: Fundraising update

When a snap election was called, we launched a campaign to raise £400,000.  

We needed this to get our message out on billboards, social media and print ads to millions of voters. 

The response was amazing. In just three weeks we raised £320,000, the vast majority in small donations, from members and supporters. 

Thank you so much to everyone who donated.   

Now we need your help to raise the remaining £80,000.  

Unlike Labour and the Tories, we are not funded by multi-millionaires, billionaires, and big business.  

We are a grass roots organisation and funded by people like you.  

Wednesday 12 June: manifesto launch

Our manifesto lays out what real hope and real change looks like.

Voters know that to mend broken Britain we must invest in our future.

The Green manifesto looks at what things could be like soon if we are willing to be bold and ambitious.

It sets out how the Green Party will invest in the next generation through a focus on quality housing, education, and transport.

It outlines how we will transform the economy overhauling the tax system to make it fairer, and bring water companies, railways and the five big energy companies into public ownership.

The Green Party will also invest to protect the climate for future generations and bring nature back to life.

There is so much in our manifesto we are proud of. It is honest about the extent of change needed to build a fairer greener country.

Read our full manifesto here.

Co-leaders Carla and Adrian speaking at the manifesto launch.

Monday 10 June 2024: where are the climate policies?

It’s manifesto week but there is a crater sized policy-hole at the centre of this election campaign.

Since the last general election, we have had the hottest year globally on record and the temperature in the UK has breached 40C for the first time – something meteorologists didn’t expect for decades.

The other parties should be vying with each other to spell out their plans to tackle the overlapping climate and nature crises. Instead they have been silent.

Political failure in the next parliament is not an option.

We must get four Green MPs elected to hold the next Government to account on climate.

Friday 7 June 2024: BBC election debate

Did you see our co-leader Carla Denyer on the BBC’s Election Debate? She answered questions posed by a studio audience on a range of topics including defence, climate change, economic growth and immigration.

Her message to millions of viewers was loud and clear:

  1. The Green Party is standing a full slate of candidates (bar one) in England and Wales so voters up and down the country will be able to vote Green for the first time
  2. Green MPs will invest in the NHS and protect it from privatisation, defend our future and push the next Government to be bolder.
  3. The country deserves better than a Labour Government that is offering more of the same. It deserves real hope and real change.

Other leaders to take part in the debate, which was chaired by Michal Husain, were Penny Mordaunt (Conservatives), Angela Rayner (Labour), Daisy Cooper (Liberal Democrats) and Nigel Farage (Reform).

Watch Carla’s closing statement:

Tuesday 4 June 2024: leaders debate

The ‘clash’ between Sunak and Starmer is dominating the news.

But it’s Same versus Same and not a real debate.

There is little difference between the Conservatives and Labour’s policies and their leaders lack political will whatever they say today, tomorrow or next week.

That’s why we urgently need to get four Green MPs elected to hold the next government to account.

It’s time for a real debate.

Real hope and real change – that is what the Green Party is offering.

Co-leader Adrian Ramsay set out the Green Party’s offer in an ITV interview after the debate:

Saturday 1 June 2024: A message from Carla Denyer

We just received this video from Carla:

The election campaign is in full swing.

I want to take a few moments to update you on our fundraising.

The Tories and Labour are spending millions on this campaign… tens of millions.

It’s the most expensive election campaign yet.

The Green Party needs £400,000 to get our message out.

Leaflets. Billboards. Print ads. Social media

That’s our focus right now.

We need £400,000 to remind voters there is an alternative to the Sunak v Starmer show – let’s get four Green MPs elected

So far we’ve raised more than a third of what we need which is fantastic.

Now I need your help to raise the rest.

Remember. Real hope. Real change. That’s what the Green party is offering.

Please give what you are able so we can get our message out.

Thursday 30 May 2024: General Election campaign launch

We launched our General Election campaign today! It is time to set aside the broken politics of the Conservatives and Labour and vote for the real hope and real change that Greens offer.

Co-leader, and parliamentary candidate for Bristol Central, Carla Denyer told the party’s General Election campaign launch in Bristol: “Across the country, people now have the chance to vote for real hope and real change. People are deeply disappointed by the way Keir Starmer has backtracked on his promises on green investment, his weak offer on housing — and now we have the would-be Health Secretary Wes Streeting telling us that more privatisation of the NHS is a good thing. The case for change is obvious, but it has to be real change that offers real hope. Half measures and broken pledges will not do. The voters we’re speaking to are excited that they have a genuine choice. The polls are showing that we will soon be shot of this awful Conservative government, but the incremental change Labour has put on the table just isn’t going to cut it to get this country back on track. We need more Green MPs if we are to drive that real change forward.”

Co-leader Adrian Ramsay, who is standing in the new Waveney Valley constituency on the Norfolk-Suffolk border, said:
“Over the past five years, we have increased the number of Green councillors five-fold. From here in Bristol, to councils across Waveney Valley and from Newcastle to Hastings, Greens are on the up. With more Green MPs in the next Parliament what you’ll get is real hope and real change. Green MPs will push the next government for bold action to achieve the real changes that are needed to confront the big challenges our country faces – and people know that.”

Monday 27 May 2024: we need £400,000

This is going to be the highest spending general election campaign – by far. The Tories and Labour are pouring millions into campaign leaflets and social media ads.

We need your help NOW to get our message out to voters in the critical first few weeks of the campaign.

We need to raise hundreds of thousands to get our message of hope and positive action out to voters up and down the country. 

✅£130,000 on social media ads
✅£12,000 on billboards
✅£15,000 on printed ads
✅£240,000 on national campaign literature

Can you help us get there?

Friday 24 May 2024: Caroline’s last day in Parliament

Caroline Lucas, 24 May 2024 on her last day in Parliament

“The reason I came into politics was to change things. And I hope that I have – pushing the climate and nature crises up the political agenda, challenging the obsession with endless economic growth, and making the case for a more compassionate, sustainable society.

There is so much more to do, of course. Under this Government, the UK has lost any shred of climate credibility, greenlighting new oil and gas and rolling back regulation. Rishi Sunak being heavily rained on whilst standing outside Downing Street warning of storms ahead – could anything be more fitting?

And under successive PMs, this Government has presided over the decimation of public services; the immoral and illegal Asylum Act; the shit show that’s the result of private companies owning our water supply; record numbers of homeless people; and relentless attacks on fundamental democratic rights.

So it’s vital that we elect the next generation of Green MPs. Greens will be needed to push a Labour Government to invest in a green transition, revitalise public services and tackle obscene levels of inequality.”

Wednesday 22 May 2024: a General Election is called

At last. This is the moment the country has been waiting for – the chance to vote for a different vision of what our country can be. We are urging voters to elect at least four Green MPs to Parliament.’

Carla Denyer, co-leader

This is it! The Prime Minister has called a General Election on 4th July.

The Green Party is ready and so are the public. We are offering hope and something different for voters – exactly what they’ve been telling us they want.

We need your help to get our four Green MPs elected.

Only with more Green voices in parliament can we build on the brilliant legacy of Caroline Lucas.

Only with more Green MPs can we hold the next government to account. 

Please donate generously to our campaign to get four Green MPs elected.

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